Tag: Living

One Poem 

Five days since the last one.

I just want to write a poem about love,

About one soul in awe

“Life” is “busy,”

Keeps getting in the way of living.

When did I see you, yesterday? 

Man, this heart is crazy

Do whatever it takes to wind me up

So I hold my pencil too tight

And give myself too long of a leash.

At least I can wring out a poem about awe,

About one soul in love.

Please make sure it’s not the last time. 




Photo source: http://www.allthingslovely.typepad.com

The word “new.” What does that signify to you?
Possibility for failure?
Perhaps possibilty for growth?
We as humans are frightened of change. We don’t want anything to get worse than it is already. Understandable, sure. Failure is very real– we see it all around us all the time.
But what if we let go of that fear?
What if we faced our lives head-on? 
What if we followed our whims, or even our dreams?
What if we danced in the rain? We could be bold. We could be lively.
Imagine how richer your life could be if you thoroughly enjoyed it. Let go your inhibitions and your fears. They are not worthy of you or your goals.
This year I am resolved to become more inspired, and to LIVE my life. I do not want to hide from any experience that comes my way this next year. I want to overcome the part of me that is introverted, and press on through my fears of failure.
I pray God will give me strength to live my life to the fullest.
Tomorrow is a new year, a new month, and, most importantly, a new day. Live it!