Month: February 2014

My Own Beauty


         Photo source: I can’t remember, so if you want to find the            picture just Google “I am beautiful” and search through the images.

Adolescence is a really tough time in a kid’s life. Maybe even the toughest time (though I can’t say from experience because I’ve never been past it.)

As a teen, I want to know lots of things, like , “Do I have a likable personality?” and “What attracts guys to girls?” and “How can I be more extroverted?”

But the biggest thing I want to know is: “Am I beautiful?”

I’ve always considered myself a beautiful person (inside  and out.) This is not arrogance; this is knowing my own worth. There are a few features I like in particular, like my hands, my smile, and my eyes. But in adolescence, you need reassurance from someone outside yourself.

I thought of going to my parents, but I knew that wouldn’t work. First of all, they’re my parents; they’re biased. Second of all, I knew exactly what their answer would be: “Of course you are, Honey… Why do you feel like you need to ask that?” They’ve always told me I’m beautiful. But I didn’t want biased reassurance; I wanted the truth.

So, I turned to Google. (Notice the lack of logic in my reasoning: I turned to the Internet for the truth.) I probably took 20 personality and beauty tests. And you know what? Every single one told me I was beautiful (with one exception, which told me that my results were 100% beautiful, 100% cute, and 100% ugly. Needless to say, that  test didn’t carry much weight in my search.)

So my thoughts were confirmed. I was scientifically beautiful. But after I took all those tests, I wondered what I would have thought if they had said I was ugly. Would I have been depressed? Would I have believed them, those quizzes written by people who  have never met me or even seen me?

I realized then that, in trying to determine whether or not I was beautiful,  I had looked to the wrong person for answers.

I should have looked to God.

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image…” (NKJV) Not physically, because God is not physical, but spiritually.  The trait we have that makes us different from animals is our eternal soul, as well as our ability to choose between right and wrong and our ability to pull emotions from ourselves and translate them into our own creations (whether dances, books, paintings, or a sport.)

And what’s inside is what matters far, far more. Our inner person is what God loves: “For God looks at the heart.”

There was a time when this wouldn’t have comforted me. I would have thought, “But I want to know if I’m beautiful on the outside!” But now, it is enough. It is enough, because anyone worth their salt (male and female, friend or boyfriend) tries to look on the inward person, and not just on the outward appearrance. And if someone shuns me or doesn’t want to be my friend because they don’t like the way I look, they would probably be an awful friend.

Thank you today, God, for the comfort I find in the fact that You love me for my inward person, and not my outward person.

The Battle He Won
Photo source:

I just got back from the Freed-Hardeman lectureship. I enjoyed the lectures; they were inspiring and comforting,  but most importantly they glorified God. I loved the fellowship; telling stories and making jokes with old friends. I most enjoyed the singing. Imagine thousands of voices praising God, singing some of the most beautiful songs ever written. And it’s only a fraction of how heaven will sound.

It is good to go to such Christian lectureships, because sometimes you can get discouraged. Just turn on the news, and you’ll be fed the lie that Satan is winning. High crime rates unparalleled in American history; thousands of babies being killed before they ever see  the light of day. Did you know there is a line of clothing made specifically for the Olympics that advertizes homosexuality?

Depressing? How can you say “no?”

But you can. And the lie is just that: a lie. Satan has not won, he has lost. He lost  2000 years ago when Jesus rose from the dead! Because Jesus rose, we have the opportunity to be saved, to spend eternity in heaven. Because Satan lost, millions of people have been snatched ftom eternal misery.

Sure, those things in the news are bad. But in comparison to Jesus’ sacrifice, they mean nothing.

“No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:37-39 ESV)

How many situations in life do these verses cover? A mouthful just to read them. These verses show that  God will always be with His children.

My goal in life, ultimately,  is to serve God to the best of my ability.  I am thankful for this goal. It’s a goal I can achieve. It’s a goal worth dying for. And it’s a goal no one can ever take away from me.

So go ahead, turn on that evening news. Not so bad, is it, when you consider what is waiting for you?



                            Photo source:

Everone has their  quirks. Everybody has little things they like that make them unique.

I have always loved tiny stuffed animals. I arrange my hair elastics by color.

My sister likes pears and the color purple.

My dad, after he’s finished brushing his teeth, knocks his toothbrush against the edge of the sink to the same tune every time: “Shave and a haircut/ Two bits.”  Bum-ba-da bum-bum… bum bum!

My mom likes ice cream cakes for her birthday, and enjoys fruit smoothies.

Our quirks are evidence of God’s  own personality. God created us to reflect Him, and God has a personality too.

Our quirks make us unique. There may be other people who like the same things, but you are the only person with your mix of quirks. Quirks spice up peoples’ personalities,  and make lives and relationships feel fresh.

What quirks do you have? What quirks do the members of your family have? Learn to appreciate those funny little things they do. Their quirks praise God!