Tag: joy

Lads to Leaders: A Reflection

Wow, my final Lads to Leaders as a participant is over! Lads to Leaders is a program in the church whose purpose is to instill the Word of God in kids and adults through leadership and service events both at the yearly convention and during the rest of the year. My congregation took about thirteen kids down to Louisville, Kentucky last weekend for convention. Since I’ll be graduating in only 17 days (ummm, what!?), I’ve been reflecting on the activities I’ve been involved in during the past four years. Lads to Leaders is one of the best on the list.

My participation in Lads to Leaders began seven years ago. My parents made me participate in speech and song leading categories, even though I was deathly afraid of standing in front of people. Surprisingly, I loved writing my speech and learning the hand movements for song leading! After that first or second year, I gave a speech and led a song not because I was being made to but because I wanted to. Since that time I became involved in several more of the events, and I loved every one.

Lads challenged me in ways I had never been challenged before. One year my sister and I decided to participate in Centurion of Scripture, a program where young people memorize and recite one hundred verses of Scripture. The year we worked on our gold level (reciting all one hundred verses in one sitting), we memorized Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7. For months, I paced in my bedroom repeating verses to myself and sometimes I got frustrated. But when I walked across the stage to get my gold medal at convention that year, I was euphoric! I was proud that I had accomplished what had seemed nearly impossible to me just a few months before. And let’s face it, few Christians memorize one hundred Bible verses in a year without some kind of incentive. The Centurion of Scripture event helped me see and understand the importance of writing God’s Word on my heart.

Three years ago, one of my friends at church approached me and asked me to be in the puppets program. I was hesitant; doing a puppet skit seemed an awful lot like acting, and I (again) didn’t want to be in front of people. At last I agreed, but under the condition that I only have a few lines. However, after weeks and weeks of practice and our performance at convention, I wanted a bigger role the next year! Puppeteering was so fun that I forgot my nervousness.

Another new experience Lads brought me was the chance to engage in a mock debate. When a friend from my congregation asked if I would do it with her, my nerves went crazy. Admittedly, our debate this year was the scariest thing about the entire weekend. But as we prepared for our topic (“Can a Christian fall from grace?”), I started to appreciate the whole point of the debate: to get young people to be able to study and have an answer to defend their beliefs, as 1 Peter 3:15 instructs us. And when all was said and done, I had a great time!

While I was having fun with Lads, what I didn’t realize was that I was also learning— a lot. I learned how to develop a devotional from the Bible and lead women in songs of praise to God. I learned how to expand my abilities and have confidence in them. Public speaking, they say, is Americans’ greatest fear, but Lads to Leaders helped me conquer it. Centurion of Scripture not only helped me learn how to memorize, but was an opportunity for me to commit to heart three chapters of the Word of God. The service projects that I was a part of also helped me have a more humble and loving heart.

Perhaps the most beautiful thing about the Lads to Leaders program is something that only hit home to me this year. As I walked around the convention center in Louisville, saying “hi” to everyone I knew and even meeting new people, I was overwhelmed with the unity of the Lord’s church. Because we all serve a common Savior and are striving to be like Him and to serve His people, our differences fade to nothing when we have fellowship with one another. The adults and children that I passed in the halls were all friendly, often complimenting and encouraging those who were on their way to a competition. Even competitors were kind and open. I have made friendships that will last for years with girls that I competed against. People never viewed each other as opponents, but rather as brothers and sisters.

This year I was blessed to attend singing devotionals after the award ceremonies on Friday and Saturday night. We gathered to sing praises to God, sometimes holding hands in a circle as we praised our Lord. In those moments, we were truly together. The competition of Lads taught me that competition isn’t what’s most important— worshiping God together is.

As I reflect on my years in Lads I am overwhelmed with thankfulness, joy— and sadness too. I will miss the opportunity to speak, engage in a debate, and practice a puppet skit with my friends. I will miss acting silly and eating pizza with the kids in my youth group during the weekend; encouraging each other as we compete in speech or song leading; and cheering myself hoarse when someone from our congregation has their name called for an award. I will even miss the busyness and nervousness of convention weekend.

But I am deeply indebted to the Lads to Leaders program— for seven years of memories, learning, challenges, laughter, encouragement, and growth. L2L has taught me (and many young people like me) that we are capable of leading, that service is a beautiful thing, that we can succeed at things we never thought we could, and that our Lord is worthy of our time, effort, and lives.

Lads to Leaders, I will love you forever. Thank you.



“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” —Ephesians 2:10 

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” —1 Thessalonians 5:11 

I Will Be 

I will be 

Rarely elaborate, but always beaming 

A woman who is more concerned with hearts than faces 

Who sees through skin to the spirit 

I will be 

A friend to those who hurt 

Reaching out my hands to lift heads 

The ache of humanity running deep in me 

Along with the love 

I will be 

Open to the adventures of life 

Open to the souls 

And carrying beauty in my arms for any to take, 

As they have need 

I will be myself 

And it will be enough 

Giving Thanks 

Photo credit: Nikki Alford
*I hope all of you had a blessed Thanksgiving weekend!* 

Happily we wake on a Thanksgiving morning,

With smiling anticipation and the scent of cooking turkey in the air

And everything we smell and hear and taste will just improve from there

Outside is thick with autumn gray, and there is rain upon the earth

But we have warmly gathered here, and our soulss are filled with mirth 

Together we join hands around the table, heart to heart

To thank the Lord for all the ways that He has played a part 

Too soon the day wears down, our visits through, but we will not forget 

This Thanksgiving day that we have had, the love that we have met 

October Honey 

Down into a hollow by the cornfield, beneath a hill

Where autumn weeds tangled around our boots 

We made our way in the midday gray

To the whirring center of the garden’s and forest’s rejuvenation 

A slight wind picked at each pair of placable wings 

Thrumming the air with the sound of work done lightly and well

Here we came in to further conciliate, appeasing with heavier breaths 

And though we gently explored through the mass of shuffling froth 

They gave us but a glance and huff and went their way 

As October’s light broke from the sky, collected, pooled inside the combs 

Came dripping on our hands and cheeks and soaked into our bones 

We exchanged laughs between ourselves and with the world 

As the decoration of our efforts clustered on our tongues 

In the Morning 

photo credit: http://pin.it/75hVCYQ

Night is cruel and dark and dreary 

We rest and we are tired and weary

But when we wake and look around

And sun shines through upon the ground

And on the grass there glistens dew

And all our worrying are through 

A morning breaks as bright as day 

As confidently we can say:

“Weeping may tarry for the night

But joy comes in the morning

Yes, joy comes in the morning!” 


Sometimes the day is difficult and long and cold

Little things add up until a cloud hangs over me

Until patience frays, my mood soured

And then sometimes I see you

And your vibrance is enough to make me appreciate life all over again

You are the sun

Dissolving my fog

You are a canary song

Building me up with joy

You are patience and hope

Encouraging me to be better

You are happiness itself

Lifting me up to walk a tightrope to the stars